Welcome to Rightsource Solution
Bringing power of OUTSOURCING to small and midsize companies
Bookkeeping & Accounting​
Rightsource Solution provides full-service Bookkeeping and Accounting solution to small and medium size organizations. With our Bookkeeping and Accounting Service (BAS) our customers gain benefits of a professional corporate accounting and can avoid recruiting efforts and management challenges typically associated with building an in-house finance and accounting department.
Data Analytics
In this digital age you business is dependent on computers. Computers understand nothing but data. To get any business intelligence, meaningful data is the basic ingredient. Rightsource Solution helps you get a step closer to utilizing full potential of business software.
Client Comfort
Unlike conventional outsourcing wisdom, we believe that you are the best expert when it comes to deciding how aggressively to move forward with outsourcing.
Client Expectations
These expectations can be tangible or intangible and generally fall into four types of objectives and goals – business, operations, relationship and financial.

Our roots lie in the managed and call center services industries. Having built or contributed to various international outsourcing services organizations themselves, our management team set out to create a company that was Easy to work with; had effective solutions to important problems; and an Exemplary service ethic. The result was Rightsource Solution.
Rightsource Solution is a new generation, internet based, outsourced processing company focused on providing Voice, Data, Research and End to End solutions to the Data, Accounting and Contact Center related industries. Founded on the principal that every company should have the opportunity to Unleash the Potential of Business through Outsourcing, Rightsource Solution brings the power of outsourcing to small and midsize companies.
Here we are
Plot No. C-153, Phase VII, Mohali, PB - 160055, India
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+91 - 0172 - 4650455
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